Your Health Facet

Greatness! includesa healthybody, mind, and spiritIf you want to be Great! All the time!, then you have to take care of your self – body, mind, and spirit. Doing that takes at least some of all of your types  of life’s precious resources.

In this section of the Great! All the Time! blog, we will enlighten you, enthuse you, and hopefully entertain you in a way that will help you constantly improve the health facet of your life.

Early on in Susan’s and my marriage, one of us attended medical school and developed a fascination with the human body and how it works when treated correctly and how it breaks down when treated poorly, while the other one of us actually finished medical school and a family practice residency and has now practiced “family medicine from the family perspective” since 1987.

Notwithstanding my dropping out of medical school in order to stay married to a doctor instead of becoming one myself, I have continued for the past three decades to study medicine while I have lived with her, gave my all to have and raise six children with her, and worked beside her in many capacities (from legal and business advisor, to medical assistant, to practice administrator) to help her practice family medicine for almost three decades. I have continued to read American Family Physician and several other medical journals almost every month in order to stay up on the science of family medicine because I am a scientist (a chemist by my Bachelors of Science degree from Millsaps College, thank you very much) and I firmly believe Great! health is a key to having a Great! life and I much prefer depending on peer-reviewed, well-researched, and well-written literature than the bunk people read in People magazine or watch on Dr. Oz.

I am not, however, a medical doctor and I do not diagnose nor do I treat medical diseases. I leave all that to Dr. Mom, who I will be having as a guest blogger in this health facet section of Great! All the Time!

Nonetheless, I have a good grasp of what comprises healthy living and I intend to serve you and the health facet of your life by sharing my perspective with you and encouraging you to live a healthier live than you presently are living.

So, let’s get started.

Healthy living remains easier said than done.  But, adopting a healthy lifestyle is easier than you might think. There are many ways by which you can have Great! health, prevent health problems, or take your healthy lifestyle to the next level. All you have to do is perceive where you are, where you want to be, what resources you have to get you to healthy Greatness!, and plan, prepare, and practice the health facet of your life.

In our next post, Susan and I will discuss what you can do to develop and maintain a healthy base state of being.

In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT! so go out there today and be Great! All the time!

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