How to Apply the P10 Principle to All the Facets of Your Life

If you are reading this section of Great! All the Time!, then I assume you are well-employed in either your own business or someone else’s business or want to get better employed in either your own business or someone else’s business. Most aspiring people fall into one of these four categories, but they still have what I call an unrequited desire for Greatness!

In a world where most people wake up each day wanting to do better and go to bed each night wondering why they did not do better that day, slaking this unrequited desire for Greatness! nags at them and nags at them and nags at them, but they do not know how to get to the pinnacle of Greatness!

In a world where you find yourself lost more often than not, you know you need a Sherpa, a guide who not only has climbed Mount Greatness! before, but also who has slipped and fallen down some of the most tricky parts of that mammoth peak. I am that person and I want to be your Sherpa.

Every experienced Sherpa has developed a plan of attack they use as the best way to get up to the summit you want to scale, to pick through the forest surrounding the base of the mountain, to ascend to each basecamp and higher plateau in order, to appreciate the views along the way, and to help you stand on the peak and absorb the Greatness! of the entire world God created for you to enjoy not only once you are taking in the 360 degree view from the summit, but also the up close view of each crag you are scaling, clinging to for support, over and over again as you move higher each day.

I call my plan of attack the P10 Principle, which can be used in all of the personal, business, legal, and health (and almost all other) facets of your life. But especially your business facet.

The P10 Principle states, “Proaction, perception, planning, practice, and persistence promote practically perfect performance.”

No matter what you are doing, applying the P10 Principle to it will help you do it better. And not only will applying the P10 Principle to your task at hand help you do it better, but also it will make you mindfully appreciated what you do and what you accomplish more than you ever have before.

How did I develop the P10 Principle? I did it through examining my and many others’ experiences in life. My definition of experience is different from most others. I define experience as “breaking stuff and having to fix it.” Seldom does anyone walk straight up the side of Mt. Greatness! from base to peak without a lot of slipping and sliding along the way. That slipping and sliding is the experience you gain in order to become the Great! person we each can become.

After you slip and slide a lot in life and actively investigate what others do better than you, you develop an understanding of the best practices to use to get from where you are to where you want to be.

I want to connect with you, relate with you, serve you, help each of us reach our own Cha-ching! in life, that satisfying and peaceful state of mind that comes when we have “Done It!,” we have succeeded at our task, whatever that task may be and however hard it may have been to do it.

Are you ready?

Great! Let’s get started. Think hard for a while and tell me “What’s Your Cha-ching?” What do you want to do with your life? How do you want to spend your minute of time on this earth? Put if in a comment below. Declare it. Own it. Then let’s work together to get you there.

In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT! so go out there today and be Great! All the time!

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