4 Things To Make Yourself the Go-To Guy or Gal

We all want to be the “go to” guy or gal in life. The person other people go to for advice, assistance, or whatever else they desire. The person others trust, admire, and respect for our compassion, competence, confidence, and demeanor, regardless of what is being asked of us and regardless of whether we are acting as a family barrister or a family butler, which seem to be my two main roles in life.

People seem to want their doctors, lawyers, other advisors relatively well-aged, well-experienced, and well-regarded. So, if you are not old, haven’t practiced your profession for a score or more, and are not even known in your community, much less respected, what do you do to appear well done?

Many people tritely answer this quandary saying, “Well, you just have to fake until you make it.” This is neither, however, the well-aged, well-experienced, well-regarded, nor correct response.

If you want to be the “one” to whom others go, then you have to adopt the persona that will attract such goers.

How? Almost always, do these four easy and inexpensive things:

Appear to be in control in all circumstances, even when you are not. Like all traits worth perfecting, appearing to be in control of things takes practice and the investment of many, if not all, types of your life’s precious resources. Your net balance of resources get replenished plenty, however, when you hear people say these words, “I really liked the way you handled that. I admire you for having what it takes to do it that way. I wish I could do that.” To which you then get to reply, “Well, sure you can. Let me show you how. …”

Carry yourself with an air of confidence and purpose. Use all of your body. Stand up to your full height. Keep your abdominals moderately contracted, you back straight, your shoulders back, and your head and chin up so you eyes are looking forward and your ears are in line with your shoulder joint. When you walk, walk in full strides with deliberate purpose as though you know where you are going and want to get to your destination expeditiously, but without hurry.

Speak clearly with a full voice and a measured tone. If you know the answer to a question posed, then answer the question effectively and efficiently; fully, but concisely. If you are not entirely sure of the answer, then qualify your answer with a desire to learn more, but answer as well as you can with the belief you are correct but with the humility to admit you could be a few degrees off of the bullseye.

Treat the least around you as well as you treat the greatest you are ever around. Almost all parents advise their children, “When you’re dating a prospective spouse, go out to dinner and a movie and see how the person you want to spend your life with treats the receptionist, the coat check girl, the waiter, the maitre d’, the ticket seller, the ticket taker, and the person selling the drinks, candy, and popcorn you shouldn’t be eating. Then you’ll know how you’re going to be treated by the person you’re thinking about marrying.”  All people are people. Just people. Nothing more. Nothing less. Be intimidated by none of them. Never try to intimidate any of them.

[reminder]Are you a ‘go-to’ person? If not, why not?[/reminder]

In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT!, so go out there today and be Great! All the time!

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