Put a New Concept in an Old Space

Have you ever been sitting in a dumpy little restaurant and thought to yourself, “Gee, this old place would be a great location for [insert your favorite food place] to open up a new store.” Yeah, me too. More likely than not the owners of the the worn out place your in are tired of owning it and it can be economically bought, updated, and changed into the new concept you desire.

My son, Yitzchak, and I recently associated ourselves with Transworld Business Advisors of Baltimore to add business brokerage to my evergrowing scope of business consulting services company, The Besser Business Bureau. Over the past several weeks, we have been wearing the soles off our shoes walking around Baltimore’s downtown harbor districts getting to know as many of the business owners there as we can. If the owners aren’t in when we pass by, we leave the head person in the store a sealed envelope marked “Confidential For Business Owner Use Only” containing a brief note from us asking them to contact us if they’ve ever considered selling their place. If the business is closed as we go by, then we tape the envelope to the front door of the business based on the high probability that the next person unlocking the door will either be the owner or will give the envelope to the owner.

Three things have surprised the heck out of us. First, drop letters are very effective contacting tools if properly done. Second, there are a ton of business owners out there running marginally successful enterprises who are tired of owning them and seeking to get out of what they are doing for a reasonable price. Third, there are tons of people looking to buy a marginally successful business in the hopes of making it better by making it their very own.

So, if you think you see an opportunity to put your expertise to work in a new location, find the owner and ask about buying the place.

[reminder]Do you have what it takes to break out of your rut and try a new way of earning a living?[/reminder]

Proaction – The First P of the P10 Principle – Part 1

Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.

Newton’s First Law of Motion,

translated from the his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Latin for “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy“, often called the Principia (sometimes Principia Mathematica), a work in three books, first published July 5, 1687

Who and what are the biggest obstacles to you becoming the Great! All the time! by becoming the full and complete owner of your own life? Think about and try to answer this question. But don’t answer it saying it is the people standing in your way or the circumstances causing you problems. It’s not your spouse or your boss or your kids or your teachers. It’s not your lack of disposable income or that you are fat and ugly (if you happen to be that) or that you are less educated than you would like to be (if you happen to be that). It’s not any of those things or anything like any of those things.

No. The single and biggest obstacle to you becoming Great! All the time! and seizing full and complete ownership of your life is Continue reading “Proaction – The First P of the P10 Principle – Part 1”

4 Ideas to Help You “Get To It, Now!”

Being Great! All the time! is no easy task. If it was, then everyone would be it. We all have two sides of our selves. Our good side, which  positively drives us past our status quo and our bad side, which negatively either drives us backwards or at the very least allows us to wallow in our status quo.

If you want to be Great! All the time!, then you have to encourage your good side and discourage your bad side from the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to bed each night. And even while you are asleep if at all possible. To help you accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative and Get To It, Now! each morning, here are four ideas, courtesy of an old Rabbi, Yehuda Ben Teima, as written in Ethics of the Fathers. Continue reading “4 Ideas to Help You “Get To It, Now!””