13 More Reasons You Can Stop Hating Your Self and Rightsize Your Body

Stop Hating Your SelfHave you ever sighed with tears in your eyes and said to yourself, “I hate my self! I am so fat I’ll never be able to be a normal weight again!”

Yeah, me too. But let me tell you what I found out. If I just learned to listen to my body, only eat only as much I needed to thrive, and move my fat ass more during my entire day, then I would be able to be a normal weight again. And not only have I done it, but Susan has done it as well. And so have another 13 men and women featured in this week’s People magazine. And if Susan and I can do it and these 13 “real” folks (and the hundreds like them People has featured over the past several years) can do it, then you can to.

And Susan and I will help you, every step of the way. Continue reading “13 More Reasons You Can Stop Hating Your Self and Rightsize Your Body”