Your Life is the Sum of Your Relationships

“Life” itself is a fairly indefinable concept. “Your life,” however, is a little bit easier to qualify and quantify. Your life is the sum of your relationships with the people, places, and things surrounding you.

This is a very simple, but very big and important concept when it comes to being Great! All the time!; so it bears repeating in a focused way. Continue reading “Your Life is the Sum of Your Relationships”

You Can Be Great! All the Time!

Let me ask you this. Have you ever whined, “I don’t own my life; my life owns me!”? In my work as a personal, business, and legal integrator, I hear this a lot. And I’m here to tell you, like I’ve told many clients before you, “You can be Great! all the time! It just depends on how you define Greatness!”

Are you troubled by feeling your life has no meaning? There is a Great! alternative to that aching of emptiness. By learning the definition of Greatness! and applying the P10 Principle to almost everything you do, you can find peace and satisfaction and have a much more meaningful daily existence. You can be Great! All the time!

Just like you, I’ve had both good times and bad times in my life. Continue reading “You Can Be Great! All the Time!”