The One Thing You Need for a Healthy New Year!

While reading Ken’s year-end posts, I am sure you have noticed he has been talking about our annual end-of-the-year planning trip we take the last week of each year. In essence, this trip gives us a chance to take stock of where we were last year, where we are this year, and plan for where we want to be in the next year.

Being the “Dr. Mom” in our family, my part of this deal is your health. But, I’m not going to waste your resources now on specific “New Year’s Resolutions,” all those healthy decisions you need to make in order to become a better you. While resolutions, as affirmative goals, are important and definitely need to be discussed but that’s not how I want you to start this new year.

Nope, I want you to thrive and be healthy through happiness this year, because your health and happiness have everything to do with one another.

Many of you may remember the old song popular many years ago “Don’t worry, Be Happy”. Well, trite though that is, Bobby McFerrin was absolutely right. And there are scientific studies to prove it.

The AMA wire (a blog by the American Medical Association) posted recently discussing this very thing. While Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General talked about public health and happiness in that post, the same “rules” can apply to individuals as well.

In his example, Dr. Murthy spoke about Visitacion Valley Middle School in California. Five years ago, this school was failing. It had a high suspension rate and so much violence a full time grief counselor was needed. The school decided to make a change in their focus and direction. Teachers learned meditation techniques to help lower stresses and then taught students these techniques and then set aside twice-daily 15-minute sessions, during school hours, to practice these techniques.

Guess what happened? Things got better. Everyone’s stress levels went down. Violence ebbed. Suspension rates dropped. And the over-all grade point average improved.

Sounds like the school got healthy, doesn’t it?

So, how does that translate to personal healthiness? You are probably thinking- sure, if my life was in order, if I had money, and if I had good relationships, then I would be happy and healthy. Yes, of course. But what I am trying to say is this: Don’t focus on what you think you don’t have; just work on being happy, the rest follows.

Science backs me up. Studies show, if you practice happiness, then your body’s stress levels decrease, which we doctor’s trace by measuring your cortisol (the “stress hormone”). When your cortisol levels go down, your body exhibits less stress, your blood pressure goes down, you sleep better, you feel less anxious, and your immune system improves. With all these positive things going on, you “suddenly” function better, can handle life’s crises with calm, and move forward in your world.

And one more thing, these personal happiness benefits happen even if you have other negative habits such as smoking or overeating. And of course, if you are happier, it’s easier to get rid of those other negative habits.

So, here’s my recommendation to drive your plan for new year instead of pie crust New Year’s Resolution: work on your personal happiness-the rest will follow.

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Happy New Year, everyone!

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